On November 28-29, join award-winning photographer and filmmaker Beno Saradzic for a 2-day time lapse photography workshop in beautiful Dubai. This hands-on workshop, presented by UAE Landscapers and Canon Middle East, is open to all levels.

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From shooting to processing—you’ll learn about the art of time lapses from one of the best and most acclaimed shooters in the world. Plus, who better to learn these tips and techniques from than the guy who created this masterpiece of a movie? (Hit play below to see one of Beno’s films)

To learn more about this comprehensive and exciting workshop, read on for our exclusive interview with Beno Saradzic!

500px: Hi Beno! The last time we spoke, you were prepping for the Emmy Awards, in which you were part of a team that was nominated. How was it?

BENO SARADZIC: It was such a humbling experience to mingle within the group of the most talented documentary and nature filmmakers from around the world. Some of them were legends in their own merit, and their stories were priceless. Our team didn’t win this time, but my journey in this field is just starting. I’m more excited than ever about my future projects.

You’re not just a photographer and a cinematographer. You’re also in the industry of photography education. How long have you been teaching?

BENO: Although I’ve only been shooting for about three-and-a-half years, I’ve spent about two years being actively engaged with the community of shooters, both on social media and in person. I’ve given many lectures in the UAE on photography and time lapse cinematography in front of medium-to-large crowds. As of last year, I’ve began conducting specialized workshops to photography beginners, as well as working professionals. I find teaching as important as shooting, because it helps me to filter my own thoughts about the process, technique, and art behind photography. Teaching is something I enjoy immensely. I believe that knowledge is universal and is wasted unless shared.

Let’s talk about this time lapse workshop you are giving. Who is the workshop for, and what can participants expect to learn from you?

BENO: I’m aiming at all levels of time lapse shooters. I’ve designed a workshop which will be hands-on all the way. I won’t just talk about the theory of time lapse cinematography. I’ll also guide the students to try the gear from the simplest to the most complex setups. They will shoot an example scene, learn about the intervals, and about good and bad time lapse subjects. I will run them through various scenarios and several applications used to process time lapse sequences. Students will learn what they need to in a fun and time-effective manner. We have great weather in Dubai right now, so this will be great.

For more information on the workshop, email Beno Saradzic at uaelandscapers@gmail.com

To see more of Beno’s work, follow him on 500px, or check out some of the tutorials and articles he’s been featured on in 500px ISO:
A Day In The Life Of Aerial Photographer Beno Saradzic
Top Timelapse Tips From Emmy-Nominated Cinematographer Beno Saradzic