With millions of photos and a vast variety of themes, concepts, and categories, there is never a shortage of amazing content to discover on 500px. That’s why we created 500px Collections! An effortless way to discover more of the best content taken by our incredible and diverse community.

Keep reading to learn how you can have your photo featured in a 500px Collection!

What is a 500px Collection?

500px Collections are Galleries curated by 500px Editors’that focus on evolving themes in classic photography categories that never go out of style. Photos in these Collections are chosen because they highlight content that is stylistically current and provide a source of inspiration and reference for the community.

Our Editors’ hand curate these Collections and update them regularly to ensure you always have something new to discover and be inspired by.


Where can I find 500px Collections?

You can find 500px Collections by going to Galleries in the Discover section on both the web and iOS and Android apps.

If you follow 500px, you will also see these Galleries pop up on your Home Feed every time they get updated!

Can I be featured in a 500px Collection?

Yes! We want to give everyone in the community an opportunity to get featured in one of these exclusive Galleries. Check out the themes listed below and if you have content that matches the theme simply click the link and submit your photo to the corresponding Quest. Our Editors will review these submissions frequently and if your photo matches the criteria, it will be added to the Shortlist and then into the Collection.

(These Quests can only be accessed via this blog post or in the descriptions of the corresponding Gallery.)

Submit your photos to a Collection

Here is a list of all the Collections we are currently accepting submissions for. Click the link and submit your work to the Quest to be featured.

Creative Conceptual Collection
Wanderlust Collection
Sport Collection
Minimalism Collection
People Collection
Munchies Collection
Golden Hour Collection
Domestic Animals Collection
Urban Exploration Collection
Ariel Collection
Color Collection
Into the Wild Collection