This week in 500px’s SF office, we watched as a big moment occurred for the US with a woman formally nominated for the presidency for the first time in the nation’s history. In honor of this momentous occasion, we wanted to honor the women in our very own community! Here, meet five female photographers you need to add to your 500px feed. From urban explorers to high fashion storytellers to fine art enthusiasts, they’re all experts in their craft and deserve to be celebrated today.

Jennifer Bin

With its adrenaline-filled themes, rooftopping and city photography is often, unfortunately, thought of as a boys’ club. But, Shanghai-based photographer, Jennifer Bin, is fearlessly rejecting that notion through her striking cityscapes. Through her signature vertical compositions, Bin’s focuses her camera on architecture, concentrating specifically on the geometry and pattern of buildings rather than that postcard-perfect street view.

Ginza Crossing by Jennifer Bin on

King of Shanghai by Jennifer Bin on

From Where I Dangle My Feet by Jennifer Bin on

Marina Cano

We have a major love of wildlife photography around 500px, so when we find a photographer that approaches the genre in a unique style we have to share. Marina Cano travels the world photographing animals in their natural habitats and teaching photography classes, but what makes her work so compelling is how she captures the heart of her subjects. Through her lens, the viewer’s transported away from a nature preserve and sees those intimate moments that all living beings share with their tribes.

PILATES by Marina Cano on

Having Fun in Cabarceno by Marina Cano on

ONE TO ONE TUITION by Marina Cano on

Emily Soto

Don’t be surprised if you already know Emily Soto’s work from its appearance in global fashion magazines and clothing campaigns. In both film and digital formats, her photography captures high fashion and fantasy while keeping all the elements fresh, modern, and dreamy. She works with her models to craft scenes that evoke emotion and leave the viewer entranced by the photo’s mood and story.

Bloom by Emily  Soto on

Ireland by Emily  Soto on

The Garden by Emily  Soto on

Jenna Martin

After receiving her Master’s degree in Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Jenna Martin made a drastic career change into the field of photography. Her business initially focused on capturing the joy of weddings, but she’s since found a spellbinding aesthetic in fine art photography and underwater portraiture. We’re always inspired by people who take a chance on their passion and make it their career. Martin pays it forward by sharing with the photography community her own experiences building a business of her work on her blog.

White Wedding by Jenna Martin on

Volatile by Jenna Martin on

Insomniac by Jenna Martin on

Camila Gargantini

What does the day of your birth say about you? That’s the question photographer Camila Gargantini is investigating in The Birthday Book Project, a series of 366 portraits, with each person representing a birthday for every day of the year, including Leap Day, February 29. Gargantini’s intent through the project is to celebrate community and preserve the uniqueness that makes up every person on the planet.

Chrissy Newton by Camila Gargantini on

Sharad Mohan by Camila Gargantini on

Julia Nogueira, March 23rd by Camila Gargantini on

Meet five more captivating female photographers in our previous Q&A in honor of International Women’s Day.

Headline photo of Marina Cano / Courtesy Marina Cano