Cover Photo: “??” by ??

Testing the Fujifilm medium format, A new solution to copyright, How to take your rooftop photography to the next level… read about all this and more in our weekly roundup of photography news.

1. Testing the Fujifilm’s medium format in the US countryside

Photographer Seth Lowe decided to test out Fujifilm’s GFX 50S on his trip to northern Montana in the United States. The location allowed him to test the camera’s capabilities in different scenarios: low light, mixed lighting, dust, wind, hard sun, fast moving subjects, portraits, and landscapes. Check out a few of the pictures from the shoot below.

A post shared by Seth Lowe (@sethlowephoto) on

A post shared by Seth Lowe (@sethlowephoto) on

Source: Resource Magazine

2. “The Portrait” winners announced

Rangefinder recently announced the winners of their photography contest “The Portrait,” which is defined by the website as “a competition celebrating the art of photographing people.” Check out the winner of the grand prize, Agata Serge, below. Agata taught a 500px class on “How to Bokeh, read more about the classhere.

Source: Shutter Love

3. A new solution to copyright your photos

Registering pictures with the U.S. Copyright office is a tedious process photographers have to go through to protect their images. Binded is a new service that promises to make photographers’ lives simpler by enabling copyright registration right on their website. Simply upload your images, pay the government fees, and you’re all set!

Man doing postproduction of his photos on laptop at night by Carina König on

Source: PDN

4. When to say no to a freelance project

Working as a freelance photographer can be stressful and the instability of the field may induce you to take all projects you come across. However, taking on a client should be a rewarding experience, and it is important to realize when someone might be taking advantage of your skills. Freelancers Union prepared a guide on how to evaluate projects before accepting them. Read the full article here.

Untitled by Nima Benati on

Source: Freelancers Union

5. How to take rooftop photography to the next level

500px Brand Ambassador and class instructor Daniel Cheong discussed the techniques he uses to create his city and architecture images in a recent interview for This Week in Photo. The topics of the interview include his digital blending practices and the use of vertoramas. Check out the full interview below and join Daniel Cheong’s upcoming 500px Class on Sept. 8th.

Source: This Week in Photo

6. 500px WWF Canada Quest winners announced

The 500px WWF Canada Quest invited users to share their most creative wildlife pictures as a celebration of Earth Day 2017. The winning image (shown below) will be featured in the WWF Canada’s 50th anniversary wildlife calendar. The judges commented on their choice for the winning image:

“A stunning shot. This image speaks volumes about the raw power of nature. Not everyone is fortunate enough to see a scene like this up close and personal, but through the lens of talented, patient photographers like Ian Stotesbury, we are all able to experience and appreciate the wild beauty that still exists all over this planet.”

View some more of the best Quest submissions here.

Brooks Falls Fishing by Ian Stotesbury on

Source: ISO

500px Spotlight

The photos we’re currently loving, curated by 500px photo editors.

?? by ?? on

Connection by Archit Mittal on

City by Özkan Köse on

somewheretokyo by Yusuke Komatsu on

Untitled by Leo LiBin on

Untitled by Viktoria Andreeva on