Recently, we invited a group of top photographers to select their favorite 500px images and add them to our Editors’ Choice gallery. So, over the next few weeks, you’ll get up close and personal with each of these 12 guest curators here on 500px ISO—they’ll share their picks and do an exclusive interview with us.

We’ve been fans of Benjamin Von Wong‘s surreal and creative portraiture for a long time now. Blending his own techniques, dreamy locations, eye-catching models, epic props, and jaw-dropping special effects, his body of work is always bursting with powerful stories.

Deliverance by Benjamin Von Wong on

Behind-the-scenes: Benjamin Von Wong at work

Behind-the-scenes: Benjamin Von Wong at work

It should then come as no surprise that he brings his own fresh and stimulating aesthetic as curator for Editors’ Choice. But before we get into his favorite images, let’s get to know Benjamin better first with a Q&A—read on!

500px: For you, what makes a photo good?

BENJAMIN VON WONG: I believe a great photo makes you feel something inside. You want it not only to tell a story but you want it to be able to generate an emotion in the viewer, regardless if it’s awe, beauty, sadness… if you make someone feel something, then I believe the photograph is successful.

Redemption by Benjamin Von Wong on

White Walker by Benjamin Von Wong on

How did you get into photography?

BENJAMIN: A girl broke up with me while I was working in the mines in Winnemucca, Nevada. I told myself that if I didn’t find a new hobby, I’d go crazy. Well, the stars were pretty, and I thought that it would be fun to capture them. So I went out and bought a camera.

Rain of fire by Benjamin Von Wong on

Shipwrecked by Benjamin Von Wong on

Among all the photos you’ve taken, which one is your favorite?

BENJAMIN: I don’t think I truly have any favorites, but this image that I just posted, “Home” is definitely one of my newest babies.

Home by Benjamin Von Wong on

BENJAMIN (continued): I absolutely love the magic of the location, the model, and the costumes all working beautifully for one truly gorgeous image. The funny thing is, I wrote a blog post about how worried I was of disappointing the model in my shots—and it turned out to be wildly successful!

What lurks beneath by Benjamin Von Wong on

Forgotten by Benjamin Von Wong on

Which photographers do you admire in the 500px community?

BENJAMIN: Oh, there are tons of photographers! Where do I start? To name a few, there’s Caras Ionut, Michael Shainblum, Elena Shumilova, and Kirsty Mitchell.

Gravity by Benjamin Von Wong on

Moment by Benjamin Von Wong on

Benjamin Von Wong’s Favorite Photos on 500px

Now that you’ve gotten to know him a little better, check out some of Benjamin Von Wong’s favorites on 500px, featuring the works of Stefan Schäfer, Caras Ionut, Alexey Tsibin, Michael Shainblum, Dave Brosha, and Renee Robyn!

Sa?chsische Schweiz - Me by Stefan Schäfer on

Me by Stefan Schäfer

“The sense of absolute freedom that you feel after a hard climb is something I completely relate to. I love the color, toning, processing, and the entire story that makes this image resonate.”

Leading the sheep by Caras Ionut on

Leading the Sheep by Caras Ionut

“I know that this is a composite, because that’s what Caras does. But at first glance, it looks so natural, so simple, so captivating. There’s a sense of magic in this image, but at the same time, it’s grounded. Absolutely love it!”

Let It Rain by Alexey Tsibin on

Let It Rain by Alexey Tsibin

“This photo has such a unique and cinematic perspective. You can’t help but get drawn into the simple beauty of the kiss. We almost feel drawn to it, just like the raindrops falling towards the ground.”

Endless by Michael Shainblum on

Endless by Michael Shainblum

“It’s so beautiful and so surreal, yet so believable at once. We feel a sense of solitude and belonging all at the same time. A wondrous sensation!”

A Warrior

A Warrior’s Soul by Dave Brosha

“There’s no way to look at this image without being drawn in to the beautiful details of the armor, the mood, and the surroundings.” (For more info on the story behind the shot, click here.)

Leap of Faith by Renee Robyn on

Leap of Faith by Renee Robyn

“It’s got drama, beauty, the colors, the sensation of falling down. It’s simple, it’s magical, and almost inevitable all at once.”

To see more of Benjamin Von Wong’s favorite images, make sure to check out our Editors’ Choice page.

Want to see more of his work? Visit his official website or follow him on 500px.

Capoeira and Fire by Benjamin Von Wong on

To connect with Ben, follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.