If you don’t like snakes, this is probably not the post for you. Still, even if the slithering denizens of the underbrush get your goosebumps going and raise the hairs on the back of your neck, this is NOT a collection you should skip.

After seeing an amazing portrait of an Indonesian Autumn Adder on Reddit, I thought to myself: the 500px community can and has matched and topped that for sure!

And, sure enough, as soon as I searched for “snake” portraits some of the most terrifying and incredible pictures of snakes I’d ever seen immediately popped up. Here are 25 of the absolute best, with a link to see more included at the bottom.

Editor’s Note: The photo below is a composite of two photos, no cute mice were hurt in the making of this portrait

Wanna see more? Try clicking here or here to see the best of Snake and Viper photographs on 500px, respectively. And if you have your own snake portrait you think would have made a good addition to this list, upload it to your 500px and drop us a link in the comments!