Editors’ Choice is the best place on 500px to be inspired, discover new styles, and get a little closer to finding your own vibe. It’s a mix of curated photos from a variety of genres that represent some of the most stunning and unexpected photography in the 500px community.

Each month, new 500px photographers are asked to unearth photos that deserve to be seen by the community—whether it’s a photo that’s still undiscovered or a well-loved shot that hasn’t yet been highlighted on Editors’ Choice.

Our new Guest Editor is Amel Herzi, an editorial photographer from Amsterdam. Read on to learn more about this talented photographer and her work, which’ll stop you in your tracks.

Deal by Amel Herzi on 500px.com

Meet Amel Herzi

I’m a 29-year-old female editorial photographer born and raised in Amsterdam, Holland. I’ve always had a thing for photography and as soon as I was old enough to properly hold a camera, my parents bought me one. Eventually, I bought my first digital camera when I was 15 and started taking pictures of my friends and surroundings. After that, I couldn’t stop.

Bob by Amel Herzi on 500px.com

Who are two of your favorite photographers and why? What about their work interests you?
I’m a really big fan of Helmut Newton. The way he captures the female body is amazing. I’m also a huge fan of Jimmy Nelson. His photos are of people all over the world in their native clothing. The pictures are raw and perfect.

Tell us about a photo that represents a significant or memorable photographic experience.

Wall 2 by Amel Herzi on 500px.com

This is one of my favorite photos because it wasn’t planned. This was shot on a stormy 1°C day. My model wanted to turn around, and when I saw this pose, I just had to click. I like that you can’t see her face.

Pink Lady by Amel Herzi on 500px.com

What’s the best photography advice you never got as a beginner?
Accept feedback. Some people (including myself, when I was younger) see this as critique. But you can’t become better if you don’t listen to what other people have to say.

Wild Things by Amel Herzi on 500px.com

Follow Amel:
500px: 500px.com/heaup
Instagram: @heaup
Facebook: facebook.com/heaup

BKK by Amel Herzi on 500px.com