Photoshop is a lot like algebra, there are so many methods you can use to create the same effect. Whether you’ve learned Photoshop on your own or you’ve taken a class there’s always a new technique, tool, or tip to discover. That’s why we invited Rob Woodcox to share some of his Photoshop magic in his 500px Class, “Make Your Subjects Levitate”.

The Shock (pt. 2) by Rob Woodcox on

In Rob Woodcox’s 500px Class tutorial he demonstrates how to use Photoshop’s masking tools to isolate his subject from the background and create the illusion of levitation. You’ll get an inside look at the creative process behind this gravity-defying photograph from concept to completion. Whether you’ve learned Photoshop on your own or you’ve taken a class there’s always a new technique, tool, or tip to discover that can save you time.

Sacred Nature by Rob Woodcox on

Interested in learning more about how to use Photoshop to create surreal images? Join Rob Woodcox’s 500px Class: Make Your Subjects Levitate.He will be participating in a live Photoshop demonstration on Friday, Sept. 22nd, 3pm EST. This is your chance to ask any Rob your photo-editing questions and pick up some new tricks. 500px Classes are free for 500px members with an Awesome, Pro, or Pro+ membership.

About Rob Woodcox
Rob Woodcox is a surreal portrait and fine artist born in Houston, raised in Detroit, and currently residing in Portland Oregon. He exercises his talent for photography with a passion that is unquenchable and contagious. As he creates each piece of his artwork, Rob strives to capture fragments of a vivid life sewn by the threads of reality, memory, and dream. Each concept is a declaration of his experience and seeks to tell a meaningful story to each individual that views it.


Instagram: @Robwoodcoxphoto