We stumbled across Pistol Wish‘s images a few days ago when his photo Ephemeron III was selected for Editors’ Choice, and we haven’t been able to stop staring since.

Looking at his profile, you realize at once that his photography is not ‘just’ photography. Explained best by the artist himself on his website (emphasis mine):

Photography is changing at a pace not seen since portable film cameras were invented. Just as cinema and photographic realism dramatically altered fine art, so to is the hyper-documentation-of-things that we’re experiencing today. I believe that haptic abstractionism and interpretive photography is emerging, if only as reflex, to the billion-cameras-recording phenomenon.

Because of this, the photographs presented here lean towards expression and perception, rather than tacit documentation.

Swan Lake Nocture VI by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

Swan Lake Nocture #3 by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

Initially we were just going to feature his Ephemeron series, but that seemed like cheating you out of seeing a lot of amazing work.

Ephemeron is joined by an Untitled series and some Swan Lake images (above) processed and captured in the same style, all “depicting fleeting moments using a variety of photographic methods and illustration techniques.”

In each photo, dancers dissolve in mid-dance as one moment passes into the next, and the symbolism is impossible to miss. Here’s a look at some of the ephemeral images Pistol Wish has uploaded to his 500px so far:

Ephemeron VIII by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

untitled #2 by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

Ephemeron II by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

Ephemeron V by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

untitled #4 by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

untitled #4 by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

Untitled #7 by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

Ephemeron III by Pistol Wish ™ on 500px.com

To see more of Pistol Wish’s work, be sure to give his account a follow on 500px and then pay his website a visit.