500px invites Studio Contributors and select Licensing contributors to submit to themed Contributor Quests in an effort to promote and recognize our network of talented photographers. Our third Contributor Quest captured the ease of summer days as seen through sunglasses—read on to learn more about the photographer and the winning shot.

Want to participate in our next Contributor Quest? Apply here.

Q: Where are you from and how did you get started in photography?

A: I’m a Portuguese photographer and traveler that has been to 47 countries around the world in the cheapest cars I could find. (I’m currently editing my photos of those trips to release them on 500px soon.) I started out in the photography business nearly 8 years ago, and have since worked on TV and film productions, as well as a photojournalist at a national newspaper. That was my most recent job, which I did for a year. I used the money I’ve saved to head out traveling around the world, doing small jobs to pay for transportation, accommodation, and the like. I’m currently in Milan, Italy, exploring the Dolomites and the Swiss Alps.

IMG by André Correia on 500px.com

Q: Tell us more about your photo: what inspired you to capture this shot?

A: That’s Richard, one of my best friends and my travel mate on my trip around the world. We bought a 1994 Nissan Micra (if you don’t know the car, search for it—it’s tiny!) for £250, and shared beers, car problems and engine fixing, and a lot of silliness for a whole year! We were driving across a Kazakhstan desert in this photo. I was actually just messing with him when I took the photo, but then I liked the result.

Q: Do you have any tips for photographers looking to you for inspiration?

A: I think even more than photography, I’ve inspired people to go travel and explore something outside of the comfortable bubble they’ve grown up in. That goes for photography too: don’t just stick to the techniques and things you learned on school, learn to play with your limits, with the people around you, with the gear you have and with your surroundings!

Follow André Correia

500px: 500px.com/nomadreamer
Instagram: @nomadreamer