Photoshop gets a bad rap these days. The term has become synonymous with something insidious: as if a program could overuse itself… or by itself try to ‘trick’ people into thinking a certain body type is normal.

But when we at 500px think of Photoshop, we don’t think of magazine cover models whose skin has been smoothed out of existence and curves have been liquified into some arbitrary ideal. We think of photographers like Caras Ionut, Renee Robyn, Erik Johansson, and Adrian Sommeling—photographers who know how to use Photoshop to create magical scenes that are obviously fictional, and all the more incredible for it.

It’s been a while since we’ve showcased that sort of photo-manipulation-magic on ISO, and so we’ve compiled 35 of our favorite Photoshop creations below.



































Drifting Away by Erik Johansson on

We hope you enjoyed this collection! And remember that you can jump on the Photoshop and 500px bandwagons at the same time for cheap by taking advantage of our Awesome + Adobe plan. Find out more or go ahead and upgrade here.