After many years away from the camera, photographer Derrick Senior is making a triumphant return to the studio—and man are we glad he is!

Based out of Burlington, Vermont, his return to photography has been marked by an increase in the amazing dancer portraits we’ve seen streaming into 500px on a weekly basis. His explosive ballet shots and flour photos are constantly near the top of the Performing Arts Popular page and for good reason.

We’ll be working together with Derrick to create some awesome content here on ISO, but before we do that, it only seemed right that we introduce you to this talented photographer’s portfolio. Here are 15 of our favorite photos from his 500px account:

Derrick’s first upload was just a month ago, so he’s fresh to this amazing community of ours! Go say hi and follow him by clicking here. And if you want another way to keep up with his work, check out his portfolio as well.