Each week, members of the 500px team curate eye-catching photography from our talented and diverse community in Editors’ Choice. This week in Editors’ Choice, we delved into conceptual picks that explore subliminal storylines and hint at a broader—at times, emotionally complex—narrative. Check out this week’s Editors’ Choice selections and discover some of the best photography on 500px today.

Meet the 500px team that curated this week’s selections:
Karen Biilmann
Robbie Sinclair

Typical by Milan Vopalensky on 500px.com

Freedom by Sus Blanco on 500px.com

The Lost Swimmer (Series) by Elena Paraskeva on 500px.com

Our take on this shot: “Despite the bright colors and the model’s prominent pose, her gaunt stare draws your eye immediately and perfectly aligns with the photo’s title, ‘The Lost Swimmer.’ Coupled with the scattered ice, this conceptual portrait makes it impossible not to wonder what her whole (potentially darker) story is.”

Domenico by Riccardo Lancia on 500px.com

Crocky break {3} by DewFrame [Kozlova+Yagodinsky] on 500px.com

BANANAS IN STYLE by Jaime Penzellna on 500px.com

. by Da Miane on 500px.com

Simona by poetryphotos.com on 500px.com

Fragìle by Silvano Fortunato on 500px.com

Our take on this shot: “The photographer’s backdrop of glass windows paired with the spindly baby’s breath branches are a distinctive nod to the photo’s title, ‘Fragile.’ The placement of the sprig of flowers, how they’re almost tucked away yet still exposed, add an interesting metaphorical layer of fragility to the model’s obscured face.”

"Out of control" for Fuuucking Young magazine by Ruslan Isinev on 500px.com

Mind Bending by Mohit Kumar on 500px.com

Lost Hopes by PJK on 500px.com