You did it! You took the leap and planned a trip to Hong Kong, or Cambodia, or Melbourne Australia. Ticket bought, camera gear packed, daydreams initiated. But before you go, photographer Craig McCormick suggests you do one little thing that could make for a much more successful trip, photographically speaking.

Craig suggests you use 500px to do some location scouting ahead of time.

In a video titled “Why I Love 500px” that he published on F Stop Lounge about a week ago, he not only made us at the 500px offices feel all warm and fuzzy and said some incredibly kind things about yours truly, he also offered some solid advice.

Check it out for yourself below:

In case you didn’t watch to the very end, the video also serves as an announcement of sorts that I will be attending the F Stop Lounge Fiji Workshop 2015 from October 29th – 31st, where I will spend time with a few of the best photographers on 500px.

That means I’ll have the chance to sit down in-person with photographers like Elia Locardi:

Benjamin Von Wong:

Tony Hewitt:

Colby Brown:

And several more, all of which we’ll introduce you to more thoroughly in the months to come.

We’re already planning some amazing educational and inspirational content from this trip, so if you have questions you’d like me to ask any of the instructors, suggestions for the kind of info you hope I’ll be sharing from Fiji, or even just some kudos you’d like me to pass along, drop me a line at dl [at] 500px [dot] com!

Craig, sadly, won’t be there. But if you want to hear more from him, check out his thoughts on making the number one most popular spot on 500px for the very first time. He shares some great insights on being prepared for the attention that popularity will bring in that post.