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As you know by now, we’ve asked 12 amazing photographers to curate the 500px Editors’ Choice page throughout the month of November. We’re sitting down with each of them to discuss their own work, their picks for Editors’ Choice, and to learn a bit more about them!

Up next is Philipp Götze, a student (yes, student!) from Dresden, Germany, who spends his spare time shooting architectural details in unexpected, exciting ways. We’re totally captivated by his exquisite framing and composition and are thrilled that he’s lent his creative eye to our Editors’ Choice page. Get to know him a bit better in the Q&A, below!

philipp self

500px: Tell us which cameras and editing software you love to use.
PHILIPP GOTZE: A Canon 550D, Sigma 10-20mm, Canon 50mm 1.8, Canon 28mm 2.8, Lightroom 4, and Photoshop CS5.

For you, what are the qualities of a great photograph?

PHILIPP: I love it when you can see that the artist had a specific vision of a place or situation, and then managed to transform it into a photograph. I also appreciate a captivating composition and good lighting, as well as thoughtful processing.

How did you get started with photography?

PHILIPP: My brother started to get into photography in 2005, and eventually took me with him on some photo walks. I was only 13 years old then, but already, the whole thing fascinated me. So a year later, I got my first camera. It was a small point-and-shoot camera, but that was enough to hook me on photography to this day.

Out of all your photos, what is your favorite?

PHILIPP: It’s hard to decide, but I will go for a photo that I took in Paris:

PHILIPP (continued): Going to Paris was the first big travel experience that I had so the shots I took there will always be special for me. And because cities from above are always worth a look, I went to Tour Montparnasse for some sunset photos. Instead of sun, there was a storm on the horizon, though. In the end this worked out better and made for a unique view. So the weather conditions and the almost-monochromatic colors of Paris’ architecture, along with my love for this city made me choose it as a favorite.

Are there any photographers in 500px whose work you admire?

PHILIPP: Yes, definitely. I follow a lot of great artists and discover more almost every day.

Philipp Götze’s Favorite Photos on 500px

Now that you’ve gotten to know him a little better, check out some of Philipp Götze’s favorites on 500px, featuring the works of Sebastian Grote, Uli Staiger, Martin Rak, Max Rive, and LdS!

Atrium City Hall, Den Haag (The Hague) by Sebastian Grote

“I like the bright and clean look in this photo. The photographers’ viewpoint draws the viewer right into the picture. The people give a nice sense of scale, and those plants make for an interesting eye-catcher.”

Photograph apocalypse by Uli Staiger

“This photo has been on my mind for some time. I think I discovered it first at some point in 2008, and when I found it here on 500px, I just had to pick it as an Editors’ Choice. There’s just something about seeing a place you have actually been to transformed into an apocalyptic scenario. Also, it is a really good and creative compositing work.”

Golden City by Martin Rak

“Prague is beautiful and this shot captures that feeling perfectly. All those important landmarks of the city are visible at once, but the use of a telephoto lens still makes it feel up close and atmospheric. And not to mention that gorgeous light!”

Backup by Max Rive

“An incredible picture! There are so many different layers to it, and each of them has an amazing amount of details which make you look at it for quite some time. And I especially like the strong colors.”

Rolling by LdS

“This is exactly how I like it. Architecture with a very clean look, nice colors, no distracting elements, no people—though I do like a good combination of architecture and people in a photo as well. Once again, it’s a perspective that draws you in.”

To check out more of Philipp’s incredible work, visit him on 500px, Facebook, or Tumblr.