Over the course of 3 days in Iceland, photography wunderkind Alex Currie breathed life into a fairy story. After years of being told he looked like Peter Pan, he finally donned the tights himself and, in his own words, “frolic[ed] barefoot around the country, scaring off dozens of tourists who I’m pretty sure just believed I was an elf.”

The result of said frolicking is a photo series aptly named “Neverland,” through which Alex as Peter Pan got to explore the magical Icelandic landscape and capture some wonderfully moody self-portraits.

“Beyond my resemblance to Pan, the series resonated with me on a deeper level as I was able to take on the boy who never grew up just 3 days before I graduated high school and grew up myself,” explains Alex in a post on his blog. “It was a daydream come to life, a display of color and whimsy and magic that couldn’t have been made possible anywhere else but Iceland.”

Check out some of our favorite images from the enchanted series below:

pan by alex currie on 500px.com






neverland by alex currie on 500px.com

black falls by alex currie on 500px.com

Of course, Peter Pan wasn’t the only one to visit Iceland last July. His shadow and Wendy both made appearances:

troll by alex currie on 500px.com


Neverland ended up being the subject of Alex’s first solo exhibition shortly after he graduated and “grew up,” something Pan never could quite manage.

To see more from Alex, be sure to follow him on 500px, visit his website, and show him some love on Facebook and Twitter.

P.S. Since you made it this far, we’ll let you in on a little behind the scenes blooper. Alex fell in some freezing cold water while trying to capture a shot that… wait for it… didn’t even make the cut for the final series!
