The date is set, the perfect dress has been bought, the flowers picked, the menu set, the venue selected, and a million other details worked out. There’s just one critically important part left to ensure you get right: hire a top-notch wedding photographer.

In an industry like wedding photography — where you could probably throw a stone in any direction and hit two or three of them — becoming truly great at this craft is an achievement worth celebrating to the fullest extent.

Each of the 500px photographers highlighted below — from the incomparable Ryan Brenizer to the incredibly talented Manuel Orero who will probably make this list next year… and the year after that — deserves a celebration of their very own. For now, we’ll just show them off in our Top 10 Wedding Photos of 2014.

To see more bridal magazine-worthy, heartwarming wedding photography, check out the Wedding Photography Popular page, visit the Editors’ Choice page for the category, or click here to see the most popular Wedding photos ever uploaded to our humble little service.