We humans may have a complicated relationship with snow, but these animals see it for what it is: a frosty opportunity for standout poses, camouflage, and fun. Tap into the carefree side of snow with these playful animal snaps, curated by 500px Photo Editor Kristen Dobbin, and see the cold through a lighter lens.

Bear by Volodymyr Burdyak on 500px.com

Moving by Clare Ahalt on 500px.com

Portrait of a three husky puppies by Konstantin Tronin on 500px.com

Throwing a curve ball by Steven Rose on 500px.com

Arctic Eyes by Jon  Albert on 500px.com

Polar Bear Shaking The Snow Off by Steve Perry on 500px.com

Ooh Snow! by Tanya Zminkowski on 500px.com

Hunt by Alicja Zmys?owska on 500px.com

The Great Chase by Harry Eggens on 500px.com

Inclined by David Merron on 500px.com

Fallow Deer in Glitter Land by Roeselien Raimond on 500px.com

Winter wolf by Maxime Riendeau on 500px.com

Bobcat L px px by Alex Speijer on 500px.com

Elephant Yoga by David Merron on 500px.com

Super Bunny by Frank Hildebrand / HILDEBRAND photography on 500px.com

OMG, snow! by Iza ?yso? on 500px.com